"Ultimately, this is about healing kids' hearts," Dr.del Younoszai tells the San Diego Union-Tribune.
That's why the world's third-largest children's heart hospital is getting a $5 million gift.
The Helen and Will Webster Foundation is giving the Rady Children's Heart Institute at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego two endowed positions: the chief of cardiothoracic surgery and the director of the 3D Innovations Lab, which develops 3D technology and software that allow doctors to go from examining a patient's anatomy on a screen to holding a physical model in their hands or examining it in a lifelike, simulated environment.
"The progress that has been made over the last several years with the 3D Innovations Labwatching it grow and support other programs at the hospital beyond cardiologyhas been inspiring," says Will Webster's son, Rich.
Rady Children's is the No.
1 pediatric cardiology program on the West Coast and No.
3 in the nation, per US News & World Report, and the Websters' gift will help it stay that way.
"The Webster Foundation's visionary support will help us remain a leading center for exceptional pediatric cardiac care," says Dr. Patrick Frias
A customized collection of grant news from foundations and the federal government from around the Web.
Many people, organizations and businesses in Miami are actively committed to philanthropy. As Javier Alberto Soto, president and CEO of the Miami Foundation, puts it, “Miami is home to a young, diverse demographic that’s looking for ways to get involved, ways to improve our community that aren’t traditional, like a formal gala.”