Phoenix Children's Hospital is known for its world-class medical care and cutting-edge research, but it's also one of the country's most under-funded.
That's about to change, thanks to a group called Innovation Circle at Phoenix Children's Foundation, which has poured more than $6 million into more than 90 projects over the past 12 years, helping to "truly moving the needle in pediatric care," director of philanthropy Josh Mundy writes on the hospital's website.
The Innovation Circle works with Phoenix Children's physicians, researchers, and clinical leaders to identify high-impact projects that can "truly moving the needle in pediatric care," and projects that have "expanded medical knowledge, addressed unmet needs, advanced personalized medicine, and fostered multidisciplinary collaboration, profoundly impacting children and families in Arizona and beyond," Mundy writes.
Projects that have received funding from the Innovation Circle include Patient Signs, which received funding for a digital signage system that has "enhanced the efficiency of displaying patient information, ensuring accuracy and improving the overall patient experience," Mundy writes.
WATCHER, an early-warning system that alerts a patient's care team when a patient's condition is at risk of deteriorating, has also received funding from the Innovation Circle.
A customized collection of grant news from foundations and the federal government from around the Web.
With Mealshare, every meal purchased at a restaurant, one gets shared with a person in need of food. This concept was hatched by two entrepreneurs, cousins Jeremy Bryant and Andrew Hall.